• 12:00 PM – CBP tour of MCI airport for P/DSOs (capped at 30 participants)

    3:00 PM – Study Missouri meeting (for member institutions)

    6:00 PM – Welcome reception!

  • 8:00 AM – Sign-in opens, morning refreshments will be available

    9:30 AM – Welcome, opening remarks

    10:15 AM – Session 1

    11:15 AM – Session 2

    12:15 PM – Lunch will be provided (please note dietary restrictions in your registration)

    1:45 PM – Session 3

    2:45 PM – Closing session

    3:30 PM – End of the day

  • $75 for NAFSA members

    $100 for non-NAFSA members

  • Gold (2 spots): $500

    Benefits: Invited to have a 5-minute presentation (or video) as part of the MIEM welcome, individual social media thank you on NAFSA Region IV and Study Missouri socials day of event, logo on all printed materials. Additionally, 1 free MIEM admission per sponsor.

    Silver (4 spots): $250

    Benefits: Individual social media thank you on NAFSA Region IV and Study Missouri socials day of event, logo on all printed materials. Additionally, 1 free MIEM admission per sponsor.